Category: Uncategorized
2021 AGM Tomorrow
This is just a reminder that our Annual General Meeting will be held on the 26th of February at 7pm, on our Discord server. This is the meeting where we vote for the people who will staff the CUAMS Committee for the following year. The deadline to express interest in running for a committee position…
Michaelmas Term 2020 Begins
A big thank you and welcome to everyone who attended the Freshers’ Squash! The committee has never had to coordinate an online meeting like that before, but it worked out well and it was great to see everone chatting together on the server. Regular anime and manga meetings are now beginning, with the first Tuesday…
Freshers’ Squash 2020
This is a reminder that our (virtual) Freshers’ Squash is happening tomorrow (Tuesday 13th October) from 7pm on our Discord server where we will be watching Wolf Children by Mamoru Osoda. We will also be playing some games together on the Discord beforehand from 5pm for people to meet and get to know each other.…
Schedule Announcement Michaelmas 2020
In continuing caution regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, the committee has decided to carry out all CUAMS activities online for the duration of the Michaelmas term. This will happen primarily through the society Discord. The Tuesday main meetings will happen at the usual time, and will involve discussing the specified episodes of the anime, which you…
Virtual Garden Party
CUAMS will be holding a virtual version of our annual garden party this year. In lieu of Jesus Green, we will be celebrating on our Discord voice channel! For those not yet in the CUAMS Discord, you can join with the official CUAMS discord server link here. This will be happening next Saturday, the 4th…
Easter Term Meeting Cancellations
As you are probably aware, we will be unable to meet for Easter term as the university will remain closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, this means that we will not be able to finish the shows that were scheduled for the Easter term in official CUAMS meetings. All of the currently scheduled shows,…
Bonus Meeting with ARU Anime Society
A bonus meeting has been booked for the last Thursday of term, the 5th of March. It is to be a joint meeting with the Anglia Ruskin Anime Society, and some time will be spent getting to know their members, and maybe playing some cards with them. It will be held in the Angevin Room…
Manga Workshop at the UL & Schedule Update
Schedule Update: Kekkai Sensen episode 11 was brought forward to today’s meeting, so next week (23rd February) we will be watching just episode 12, which is double length. We have been contacted by the University Library about a Manga Workshop they want to run:
Results of the AGM
The Annual General Meeting occurred on Tuesday, where we elected a new committee who will serve the society for the year ahead. Thank you to everyone who was present and participated, it ran very smoothly. A big thank you as well to the previous committee, including those who are returning for another year, you have…
Lent 2020 Schedule
It’s a new term, which means new shows. On Tuesdays, we will be showing Humanity has Declined!, Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu, and Spice and Wolf; on Sundays, we will be showing Kekkai Sensen, Plastic Memories, and (newly-announced) Hibike! Euphonium. We wanted to make sure a KyoAni show made it onto the schedule after last year’s…