Category: Uncategorized
03/12 Room change
Quick reminder that tonight (Tuesday 3rd December)’s main meeting is at at the JCR TV Room, Selwyn College. Directions here. We’ll still be showing the last 2 episodes of Hinamatsuri, SSSS.Gridman and ACCA-13.
26/11 Meeting Reschedule
Because of the Promare film at the Vue Cambridge (tickets) overlapping with our meeting, we are rescheduling next week’s Main Meeting from Tuesday 26th November to Tuesday 3rd December at the JCR TV Room, Selwyn College. We’ll still be showing the last 2 episodes of Hinamatsuri, SSSS.Gridman and ACCA-13. We’ll keep you posted if details…
Start of Michaelmas 2019
A reminder that regular Michaelmas meetings begin this week: On Tuesday 22nd October from 7pm to 10pm, we’ll be watching episodes 1-2 of Hinamatsuri, 1-2 of SSSS. Gridman and 1-2 of ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept. On Sunday 27th October from 2:30pm to 5:30pm, we’ll be watching episodes 1-2 of Girls und Panzer, episodes 1-3 of…
Freshers’ Squash 2019/20
Our first official meeting of the year, the Freshers’ Squash, will be held on Saturday 19th October, 7-10pm, Bowett Room, Queens’ College (directions here). The line-up will include four short OVAs: the Daicon III and IV opening animations, produced by staff who would later form Gainax; Dareka no Manazashi; a short film by Makoto Shinkai;…
Schedule Announcement 2019/20
As mentioned in our Freshers’ Fair post, we’re proud to announce our schedule for 2019/20! On Tuesdays in Michaelmas, we will be watching Hinamatsuri, SSSS.Gridman, and ACCA: 13-Territory Inspection Dept (ACCA-13). On Sundays in Michaelmas, we will be watching Girls und Panzer, Seishun Buta Yarou (Bunny Girl Senpai), and School-Live! (Gakkou Gurashi). Meeting-by-meeting schedule details…
Freshers Fair 2019/20 (MH6)
The CUSU Freshers’ Fair stall allocations are now up! We’ll be there on both days (Tuesday 8th and Wednesday 9th October) at MH6; row H, table 6 in the Marquee on Parker’s Piece. You’ll be able to see a couple of the finest committee members we have to hand, have a chat, join our mailing…
Welcome to CUAMS 2019/20!
A new Cambridge academic year is fast approaching, and with it, a glorious new year of CUAMS. This post outlines our plans for the start of the year — and a warm welcome (back) to everyone coming in October! As usual, we’ll be at our stall at the CUSU Freshers’ Fair on Tuesday 8th and…
Easter 2019
CUAMS: what better way to break up the monotony of Easter Term exam revision? For our start-of-term bonus meeting on Tuesday 23rd April, we’ll be screening Masaaki Yuasa’s alcohol-fueled Yoru wa Mijikashi Arukeyo Otome (The Night is Short, Walk on Girl), from 9pm to 11pm, in Room DD47, Queens’ College. Sunday Meetings: Gamers! and Shoujo☆Kageki…
New Committee and Constitution Updates
Thank you to everyone that attended our AGM last week (Tue 12 Feb), where the 2018/2019 CUAMS Committee was elected. Congratulations to our new and returning committee members, and thank you to departing members for their contribution to the society. Amendments were also passed to bring the dated CUAMS Constitution up to modern, 3D computer-animated…
Cancelled Meeting
It is with great regret that we have to cancel our regular meetings this Sunday 20th and Tuesday 22nd due to unexpected licensing complications. This is definitely not a desirable position to be in and we are as disappointed as many of you must be. We hope that we will be able to resolve these…