Category: Uncategorized

  • New Term and Bonus Meeting

    I hope you’ve all had a good break over the Christmas holidays but the new term is right around the corner and so we can now announce our schedule for Lent term. We’re watching all new shows so if you’re new to CUAMS or didn’t get to come to meetings last term, this is the…

  • Freshers’ Fair and Squash

    I hope you’re all settling back into university life, are excited to be arriving back in Cambridge for another year soon or are preparing to come up to Cambridge for the first time. With October around the corner, we’re happy to be able to give you more information about our freshers’ events and the schedule…

  • New Things!

    With the new year rapidly approaching we have many new things to announce! We have both a fancy new website and a new schedule to let you know about. As you can probably tell if you visited the website before, we’ve had a bit of a clean up to help make the site look a…

  • Freshers’ Squash 2017!

    Thanks to everyone who came to see us at the Freshers’ Fair this year! Our Freshers’ Squash is coming up very soon: it will be held on 14th October, 7-10pm, in the Bowett Room, Queens’ College! If you’re unsure where to find us, we have a map to help you out! We will be showing…

  • Sala Thong Social

    We have an up-coming social at Sala Thong ! It is on Sunday 19th February 2017 at 6pm. You can make your way there independently, or simply head down after the Sunday meeting. Sala Thong is on Queen’s road near Darwin, and serves beautiful Thai food. Hope to see you there!

  • Freshers’ Squash!

    We have our Freshers’ Squash approaching imminently! It will be in the Bowett Room, Queen’s college at 7:00pm – 10:00pm, 15th October. (Here’s a handy Map ) This year we shall be showing Kizuna Ichigeki and the Cowboy Bebop movie. Attendance at the squash is free, with bountiful snacks provided. You will also have the…

  • Freshers’ Fair!

    It’s a fresh new year of Cambridge life, which can only mean many distinct and/or interacting things. One such thing is the Freshers’ Fair! Everyone, from life-long otaku to curious new folk, is welcome come see us in the Kelsey Kerridge Sports Hall (row 3, stall 14) on Tuesday 4th and Wednesday 5th October. Stay…

  • New Academic Year

    A new academic year has started at Cambridge, and with it comes a new year of anime! Freshers and old members alike, come see us at the Freshers’ Fair in the marquee on Parker’s Piece (row 14, stall 4) on Tuesday and Wednesday! Our first meeting will be the traditional Freshers’ Squash on a not-so-traditional…

  • Tuesday Room Change

    Once again, the meeting tomorrow, on Tuesday, 10 March, will be in the Auditorium Lounge, Robinson College. To get there, go through the main entrance and straight across the courtyard, enter the door in front of you and immediately turn left. On the college plan the Auditorium Lounge is marked 2, although the door is…

  • Tuesday Room Change

    Tomorrow’s meeting will be in the Auditorium Lounge, Robinson College. To get there, go through the main entrance and straight across the courtyard, enter the door in front of you and immediately turn left. On the college plan the Auditorium Lounge is marked 2, although the door is nearer to the digit 3. We will…