Societies’ Fair & Freshers’ Squash 2011

It’s almost the start of a new year, and CUAMS will once again be recruiting new members at the CUSU Societies’ Fair. You can come sign up to our mailing list on either Tuesday 4th or Wednesday 5th.

The Freshers’ Squash will be on Tuesday 11th in the Chetwynd Room, King’s College (directions can be found on the Main Meetings page), where we’ll be showing The Time of Eve and a surprise movie. You can sign up for a 1 year membership for £10, and everyone who signs up will be entered into a prize draw to win anime goodies! After a long (some would say traditional) run of good luck by old members, last year saw a significant amount of freshers win prizes too.

The year’s schedule is almost finalised and can be seen on the relevant page – synopsis pages will be up shortly~



